a5c7b9f00b In ages past, a malevolent race called the Arakacians discovered a place where space-time leaked an immortality water. The Arakacians conquered the known universe for centuries, and were finally vanquished after the fountain chamber was sealed by freedom fighters. Upon discovery of a shard of the Loc-Nar (the evil orb from the original movie), a miner named Tyler becomes possessed by an insatiable hunger for power and a thirst for immortality. On his way to a planet which has the immortality fountain, Tyler makes a brief stop on F.A.K.K.² (Federation-Assigned Ketogenic Killzone) because its inhabitants carry some immortality water in their bodies. Tyler invades the space colony, wipes out most of the inhabitants, and kidnaps a beautiful woman named Kerrie. Enraged by Tyler&#39;s careless rampage, Kerrie&#39;s beautiful sister Julie vows to avenge her family and wipe out Tyler before he reaches the fountain. After surviving an invasion on her peaceful homeworld, a beautiful avenger must stop a powerful psychopath from gaining immortality and rescue her kidnapped sister. Alright…i was expecting something great, heavy metal, bad-ass action with crazy gorgeous women fighting big bad dudes in a sci-fi setting. Forget about the bad-ass action and welcome to crappy animation ! This sounds and looks like a bad GI Joe TV episode. I&#39;m not sure what the hell they were thinking but i&#39;ve rarely seen animation so poorly done, the movements are ridiculous and the 2D drawing part is badly integrated with the 3D scenery. It&#39;s even bad to the point that when you get a scene with only 3D stuff, it actually looks much better…and right away i thought the 3D was pretty bad. I don&#39;t even want to talk about the dubbing…&quot;big names&quot; don&#39;t necessarily mean they can actually dub and this movie proves it.<br/><br/>Well that pretty much sums it up, it&#39;s animated like it came out of a kindergarten and the story isn&#39;t much better. The audio track is also lacking, which is sad for a &quot;heavy metal&quot; movie, it never feels like it&#39;s adequate to the &quot;action&quot; on the screen and overall also feels cheap.<br/><br/>Don&#39;t watch it, you&#39;ll just waste your time. If this movie had spent 1/5 of the time they spent considering how big to make the breasts and how to make &quot;cool&quot; fire effects and instead used it to make a decent plot this could have been nice. Instead it&#39;s just lame…freed from a decent plot or script they instead focus purely on big tits and explosions. You know it&#39;s bad when the character with the best personality is a rock!<br/><br/>Another big miss, i think, between this film and the original was that in the first Heavy Metal not only was it sci-fi but it had comedy and even a little horror mixed in…this had nothing.
Sesegala Admin replied
326 weeks ago